Starburst Enterprise 423-e.19 LTS reference documentation#

Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) documentation consists of version-specific reference documentation and user guides that are up-to-date with the latest release.

You are currently viewing the reference documentation. A listing of the contents of the reference documentation is available later in this document, as well as in the left-hand navigation, or in the three-line menu in the top bar.

SEP reference documentation defaults to the most current release. To view a different release, select another version from the Choose version menu, located in the upper right.

Who do we write for?#

We write for users, who fall into one or more of the following three personas:

  • Data consumers query data through existing catalogs.

  • Data engineers create catalogs that connect data sources to SEP.

  • Platform administrators run and maintain the SEP cluster.

You can learn more about these user personas and view a curated list of key content them in our user personas topic.

User guides#

Just getting started? Visit our user guides for more information on how to get started with Starburst Enterprise, as well as:

  • in-depth video training

  • the Starburst technical blog

Explore user guides

Reference documentation#

The overview contains lists designed to help you understand the similarities and differences between open source Trino, and SEP across several categories, as well as presenting use cases and support availability.

The topics above contain both version-specific descriptions of SEP end-user features and UI elements for all users, as well as relevant configuration properties for platform administrators.

For data engineers

These topics assist data engineers in understanding query performance in SEP, and in creating tools for use with the platform.

In addition to the version-specific reference documentation listed above, Starburst also provides a dedicated administration topics section covering common workflows in the SEP user guides.

The topics in this section contain information relevant to all three personas by connector. For all connectors, configuration properties must be implemented by a platform administrator or data engineer with similar access. If enabled, session properties apply to all users where available. Connector topics also include type mapping and performance information, such as pushdown and dynamic filtering, relevant to all users.

These topics in this section provide a full listing of all SQL-related functionality in SEP.