Starburst BigQuery connector#

The Starburst BigQuery connector is an extended, tested and fully supported version of the BigQuery connector with identical configuration and usage.



The connector configuration is similar to the configuration for the base BigQuery connector, with the following additional properties:

BigQuery configuration properties#

Property name



Allow accessing other projects in BigQuery by including the project id with the schema name in queries:

    SELECT *
    FROM catalog."project-id.dataset".table

Defaults to false.


Frequency of checks for project names as duration. Defaults to 30m

SQL support#

The connector supports all of the SQL statements listed in the BigQuery connector documentation.


The connector supports the following commands for use with ALTER TABLE EXECUTE:


The collect_statistics command is used with Managed statistics to collect statistics for a table and its columns.

The following statement collects statistics for the example_table table and all of its columns:

ALTER TABLE example_table EXECUTE collect_statistics;

Collecting statistics for all columns in a table may be unnecessarily performance-intensive, especially for wide tables. To only collect statistics for a subset of columns, you can include the columns parameter with an array of column names. For example:

ALTER TABLE example_table
    EXECUTE collect_statistics(columns => ARRAY['customer','line_item']);

Managed statistics#

The connector supports Managed statistics allowing SEP to collect and store its own table and column statistics that can then be used for performance optimizations in query planning.

Statistics must be collected manually using the built-in collect_statistics command, see collect_statistics for details and examples.

Table statistics#

BigQuery does not expose table statistics, and the connector can therefore not use cost based optimizations to improve query processing performance based on the actual data in the data source.


The Starburst BigQuery connector includes an additional security-related feature, detailed in the following section.

OAuth 2.0 token pass-through#

The BigQuery connector supports OAuth 2.0 token pass-through when SEP is configured to use Google Cloud Platform as an OAuth 2.0 identity provider.

Set the following catalog configuration property to enable OAuth 2.0 passthrough:
