Insights overview#
The Starburst Enterprise web UI includes Insights. When enabled, Insights provides a visual analysis of important metrics about your cluster for all types of users, from platform administrators to data consumers.
The Insights Overview tab shows the following useful metrics about SEP:
The Queries chart shows the absolute number of run, queued and failed queries in the last 30 minutes.
The CPU usage chart shows the CPU usage of the operating system and the Java processes running SEP aggregated for all cluster nodes for the last 30 minutes.
The Top users chart shows the most active users by used CPU time, or by processed queries, for all time captured.
The Workers section displays a diagram of the number running workers, and a table that lists details about all active workers in the cluster.
The Workers diagram also displays the following metrics:
Workers running
Workers processors
Workers heap size
Last cluster scaling
The Workers table displays the following attributes:
Node ID
Internal address
Heap memory usage
Query memory usage
CPU usage for process and system
The Starburst Enterprise web UI left-hand navigation bar includes the following Insights pages:
Query overview to access the query overview tab and explore query details
Cluster history to access the cluster history tab.
Usage metrics to access the usage metrics tab.
Next steps#
To enable Insights in the Starburst Enterprise web UI, see Insights configuration.