RPM package#

Users of RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 or 8 can use the RPM package to install Starburst Enterprise.

The RPM archive includes the application, all plugins, the necessary default configuration files, default setups, and integration with the operating system to start as a service.

Use Starburst Admin with the RPM package to install and manage a cluster of bare-metal servers or virtual machines. Only use the RPM package directly to deploy on a single node or a few nodes manually, or if you use an alternative provisioning system.

Find more information in our deployment options.


The RPM archive is named starburst-enterprise-<version>.rpm. Use the rpm command to install the package:

rpm -i starburst-enterprise-*.rpm

Installing the required Java setup is typically managed separately.

Daemon scripts#

The RPM installation deploys two daemon scripts to support running SEP as background process, and allow automatic startup on OS boot:

  • service script configured with chkconfig

  • SystemD unit that allows using systemctl


The service daemon script is deprecated as of SEP 429-e. Use the systemctl script instead.

Both setups use starburst as daemon name, and support the following tasks:

  • start Starts the server as a daemon and returns the process ID.

  • stop Shuts down a server started with either start or run. Sends the SIGTERM signal.

  • restart Stops and then starts a running server, or starts a stopped server, assigning a new process ID.

  • status Prints a status line, either Stopped pid or Running as pid.

The two setups are not equivalent and compatible, so you need to consistently use one or the other.

The syntax for the service script usage uses the service name first:

service starburst [start|stop|restart|status]

The syntax for the systemctl uses the command first.

systemctl [start|stop|restart|status] starburst

Installation directory structure#

The RPM package places the various files used by SEP in accordance with the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. This differs from the default tarball installation of SEP, where all folders are in the installation directory. For example, with a tar.gz file, configuration files are located by default in the etc folder of the installation directory. By contrast, the RPM package installation uses /etc/starburst for the same purpose.

The RPM installation places SEP files using the following directory structure:

  • /usr/lib/starburst/lib/: Various libraries needed to run the product; plugins go in a plugin subdirectory

  • /etc/starburst: General Starburst Enterprise configuration files such as config.properties, jvm.config, and node.properties

  • /etc/starburst/catalog: Connector configuration files

  • /etc/starburst/env.sh: Contains the Java installation path used by Starburst Enterprise, allows configuring process environment variables, including secrets

  • /var/log/starburst: server.log files

  • /var/lib/starburst/data: Data directory

  • /usr/shared/doc/starburst: Documentation

  • /etc/rc.d/init.d/starburst: Service script

RPM-specific configuration settings#

The configuration files, like Config properties and the catalog property files, need to be placed in the installation directory structure. In addition, the node.properties file needs two properties defined to adjust for the directory structure:



Uninstalling the SEP RPM installation is like uninstalling any other RPM:

rpm -e starburst-enterprise-<version>

After uninstalling, all deployed Starburst Enterprise files are deleted except for the logs directory /var/log/starburst.