Release 449 (31 May 2024)#


  • Add an event listener which exposes collected events to an HTTP endpoint. (#22158)

  • Fix rare query failure or incorrect results for array types when the data is dictionary encoded. (#21911)

  • Fix JMX metrics not exporting for resource groups. (#21343)

BigQuery connector#

  • Improve performance when listing schemas while the configuration property is enabled. (#22033)

ClickHouse connector#

  • Add support for pushing down execution of the count(distinct), corr, covar_samp, and covar_pop functions to the underlying database. (#7100)

  • Improve performance when pushing down equality predicates on textual types. (#7100)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Add support for the $partitions system table. (#18590)

  • Add support for reading from and writing to tables with VACUUM Protocol Check. (#21398)

  • Add support for configuring the query retry policy on the S3 filesystem with the s3.retry-mode and s3.max-error-retries configuration properties.

  • Automatically use varchar in struct types as a type during table creation when char is specified. (#21511)

  • Improve performance of writing to Parquet files. (#22089)

  • Fix query failure when the hive.metastore.glue.catalogid configuration property is set. (#22048)

Hive connector#

  • Add support for specifying a catalog name in the Thrift metastore with the hive.metastore.thrift.catalog-name configuration property. (10287)

  • Add support for configuring the query retry policy on the S3 filesystem with the s3.retry-mode and s3.max-error-retries configuration properties.

  • Improve performance of writing to Parquet files. (#22089)

  • Fix failure when filesystem caching is enabled on Trino clusters with a single node. (#21987)

  • Fix failure when listing Hive tables with unsupported syntax. (#21981)

  • Fix query failure when the hive.metastore.glue.catalogid configuration property is set. (#22048)

  • Fix failure when running the flush_metadata_cache table procedure with the Glue v2 metastore. (#22075)

Hudi connector#

  • Add support for configuring the query retry policy on the S3 filesystem with the s3.retry-mode and s3.max-error-retries configuration properties.

  • Improve performance of writing to Parquet files. (#22089)

Iceberg connector#

  • Add support for views when using the Iceberg REST catalog. (#19818)

  • Add support for configuring the query retry policy on the S3 filesystem with the s3.retry-mode and s3.max-error-retries configuration properties.

  • Automatically use varchar in struct types as a type during table creation when char is specified. (#21511)

  • Automatically use microsecond precision for temporal types in struct types during table creation. (#21511)

  • Improve performance and memory usage when equality delete files are used. (#18396)

  • Improve performance of writing to Parquet files. (#22089)

  • Fix failure when writing to tables with Iceberg VARBINARY values. (#22072)

Pinot connector#

  • ⚠️ Remove support for non-gRPC clients and the pinot.grpc.enabled and pinot.estimated-size-in-bytes-for-non-numeric-column configuration properties. (#22213)

Snowflake connector#

  • Fix incorrect type mapping for numeric values. (#20977)