Starburst Enterprise in AWS Marketplace EKS#

Starburst Enterprise for EKS PayGo allows for Starburst cluster deployment on managed EKS clusters with a convenient and flexible payment option.

AWS Marketplace EKS uses the Helm charts for Starburst Enterprise to simplify deployment. The default Helm chart values are the minimum required values to run Starburst Enterprise on EKS. Further configuration is necessary for adding your data sources as catalogs and for production workloads.

Contact Starburst sales to access the AWS Marketplace listing.


AWS requirements#

Before you begin using Starburst Enterprise for EKS PayGo, you must ensure the following:

  • You have an AWS account with the ability to subscribe to AWS Marketplace services. Subscriptions to Starburst Enterprise are only allowed from the account where EKS is deployed.

  • Your AWS account has permissions to create an IAM role and a Kubernetes service account.

  • Connections to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service endpoints are not blocked.

Note that these rules still apply when accessing Starburst Enterprise from a private offer. For more information about subscribing to products, see the AWS Marketplace documentation:

Follow the AWS configuration instructions to create a Kubernetes service account and attach an IAM role to it, and then install the Starburst Enterprise Helm chart on your EKS cluster. Refer to the AWS configuration instructions for assistance. To view the AWS configuration instructions, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Starburst Enterprise for EKS PayGo AWS Marketplace listing.

  2. Click Continue to Subscribe.

  3. Click Continue to Configuration.

  4. In the Software version drop-down menu, select the SEP release you want to install.

  5. Click Continue to Launch.


Although similar to the Helm chart that Starburst provides directly, the Helm chart that the AWS Marketplace provides has additional properties that should only be modified with caution.

SEP retrieves metadata from your EC2 instance, including your AWS account ID. SEP supports both IMDSv1 and IMDSv2 access methods.

Starburst Enterprise requirements#

Deploy Starburst Enterprise for EKS PayGo using the Helm chart. Template modifications are not supported. Adjust resource definitions through the Helm chart values.

In addition to communication with the AWS Marketplace API, SEP has two other connection-related requirements:

  • Enable the SEP **Usage metrics** server through the Kubernetes coordinator ClusterIP service. The Helm chart configures this server by default. Blocking it using a NetworkPolicy or disabling it causes issues with the billing process.

  • Do not block local communications between containers within SEP pods.

Starburst cannot support issues with deployments that arise from using wrappers. When using Kustomize, Starburst Support can only assist with simple deployments involving a single helm install or helm upgrade command.

AWS only hosts Marketplace ECR the us-east-1 region. You must pull the starburst-license-verifier billing container from the Marketplace ECR, but you may source other images from different registries. For help with ECR access issues, contact AWS support.

Using Starburst Warp Speed requires an SEP license file.

Get started#

The Usage instructions and Launch instructions sections of the AWS marketplace offering page contain all the necessary steps to get you started with your Starburst Enterprise cluster deployment.


Starburst offers the following support for our marketplace subscribers without an enterprise contract:

For the quickest possible response time, please provide Starburst Support with the output of the command in the Collecting information for support section.


If you are unable to access Starburst Enterprise for EKS PayGo, ensure the following:

  • You are logged in to the AWS account where the EKS instance is deployed.

  • You have attached the appropriate IAM policies to the service account you are using to configure the EKS cluster.

  • You have accepted the offer if you are accessing SEP from a private offer.

Collecting information for support#

Starburst Support needs the output of the following kubectl commands to help you troubleshoot any issues you encounter.

To retrieve information about the status and health of the pods within a namespace, run the following kubectl command:

kubectl get pod -n <namespace_name>

To check the logs of your coordinator and license-verifier containers within a coordinator pod, run the following kubectl commands:

kubectl logs <coordinator_pod_name> -n <namespace_name> -c coordinator
kubectl logs <coordinator_pod_name> -n <namespace_name> -c license-verifier

Make sure you use the same <coordinator_pod_name> for both commands to retrieve the logs from both containers within the coordinator pod.

To check the logs of your worker and license-verifier containers within a worker pod, run the following kubectl commands:

kubectl logs <worker_pod_name> -n <namespace_name> -c worker
kubectl logs <worker_pod_name> -n <namespace_name> -c license-verifier

Make sure you use the same <worker_pod_name> for both commands to retrieve the logs from both containers within the worker pod.

Add --tail=1000 and --follow flags to these kubectl logs commands if the pod is in CrashLoopBackOff status. This ensures visibility of the exception causing the error.

To check the resource declaration of your coordinator and worker pods, run the following kubectl commands:

kubectl describe pod <coordinator_pod_name> -n <namespace_name>
kubectl describe pod <worker_pod_name> -n <namespace_name>

Your <coordinator_pod_name> and <worker_pod_name> values may differ between the kubectl logs and kubectl describe pod commands. For your Starburst Support request, ensure that you collect logs from the same pod by passing the name of the pod as a parameter in your kubectl commands rather than using a label selector.

Useful resources#

Use the following resources to connect data sources as catalogs, configure security, and perform other customizations.

Review the AWS documentation for guidance on implementing the following security and access control best practices:

Follow the AWS documentation to review Service Quotas for your SEP deployment.

Read our Kubernetes configuration section to begin customizing SEP. You can also set up these optional items:

The following pages introduce key concepts and features in SEP: