Helm chart release notes#

Each Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) release is accompanied by a new release of the supported Helm charts. Details of the changes on each chart can be found in the following release note sections.

Starburst Enterprise and Trino-based releases#

443.6.0 (11 Jul 2024)#

435.8.0 (11 Jul 2024)#

429.10.0 (11 Jul 2024)#

423.17.0 (11 Jul 2024)#

448.0.0 (28 June 2024)#

443.4.0 (28 Jun 2024)#

435.7.0 (28 Jun 2024)#

429.9.0 (28 Jun 2024)#

423.16.0 (28 Jun 2024)#

443.3.0 (14 Jun 2024)#

435.6.0 (14 Jun 2024)#

429.8.0 (14 Jun 2024)#

423.15.0 (14 Jun 2024)#

446.0.0 (5 June 2024)#

443.1.0 (31 Jun 2024)#

435.5.0 (20 May 2024)#

429.7.0 (20 May 2024)#

423.14.0 (20 May 2024)#

413.19.0 (20 May 2024)#

443.0.0 (8 May 2024)#

  • Update to SEP 443-e.

  • Fix issue that caused KEDA scaler to interfere with some Prometheus metrics.

435.4.0 (17 Apr 2024)#

429.6.0 (17 Apr 2024)#

423.13.0 (17 Apr 2024)#

413.18.0 (17 Apr 2024)#

435.3.0 (28 Mar 2024)#

429.5.0 (28 Mar 2024)#

423.12.0 (28 Mar 2024)#

413.17.0 (28 Mar 2024)#

438.0.0 (25 Mar 2024)#

  • Update to SEP 438-e.

  • Add support for Kubernetes version 1.29.

435.2.0 (11 Mar 2024)#

429.4.0 (11 Mar 2024)#

423.11.0 (11 Mar 2024)#

413.16.0 (11 Mar 2024)#

435.1.0 (29 Feb 2024)#

435.0.0 (21 Feb 2024)#

429.3.0 (14 Feb 2024)#

423.10.0 (14 Feb 2024)#

413.15.0 (14 Feb 2024)#

407.19.0 (14 Feb 2024)#

434.0.0 (2 Feb 2024)#

429.2.0 (18 Jan 2024)#

423.9.0 (18 Jan 2024)#

413.14.0 (18 Jan 2024)#

407.18.0 (18 Jan 2024)#

433.0.0 (12 Jan 2024)#

429.1.0 (21 Dec 2023)#

423.8.0 (21 Dec 2023)#

413.13.0 (21 Dec 2023)#

407.17.0 (21 Dec 2023)#

429.0.1 (29 Nov 2023)#

423.7.0 (27 Nov 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 423-e.7.

  • Improve liveness probe in license-verified container in EKS marketplace deployments.

413.12.0 (27 Nov 2023)#

407.16.0 (27 Nov 2023)#

402.18.0 (27 Nov 2023)#

429.0.0 (13 Nov 2023)#

423.6.0 (13 Nov 2023)#

413.11.0 (13 Nov 2023)#

407.15.0 (13 Nov 2023)#

402.17.0 (13 Nov 2023)#

423.5.0 (31 Oct 2023)#

423.4.0 (18 Oct 2023)#

413.10.0 (18 Oct 2023)#

407.14.0 (18 Oct 2023)#

402.16.0 (18 Oct 2023)#

427.0.0 (16 Oct 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 427-e.

  • Upgrade base image from RHEL 8 to Red Hat UBI 9 micro.

  • Change SEP launcher language from Python to Go to reduce potential CVE exposure.

423.3.0 (2 Oct 2023)#

413.9.0 (2 Oct 2023)#

407.13.0 (2 Oct 2023)#

402.15.0 (2 Oct 2023)#

423.2.0 (19 Sep 2023)#

413.7.0 (19 Sep 2023)#

407.11.0 (19 Sep 2023)#

402.14.0 (19 Sep 2023)#

426.0.0 (18 Sep 2023)#

423.1.0 (31 Aug 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 423-e.1.

  • Upgrade Prometheus JMX Exporter to 0.20.0

413.6.0 (29 Aug 2023)#

407.10.0 (29 Aug 2023)#

402.13.0 (29 Aug 2023)#

393.19.0 (29 Aug 2023)#

423.0.0 (18 Aug 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 423-e.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.11.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.5.2.

413.5.0 (9 Aug 2023)#

407.9.0 (9 Aug 2023)#

402.12.0 (9 Aug 2023)#

393.18.0 (9 Aug 2023)#

413.4.0 (26 Jul 2023)#

422.0.0 (20 Jul 2023)#

413.3.0 (14 Jul 2023)#

407.8.0 (14 Jul 2023)#

420.0.0 (28 Jun 2023)#

413.2.0 (12 Jun 2023)#

407.7.0 (12 Jun 2023)#

402.11.0 (12 Jun 2023)#

393.17.0 (12 Jun 2023)#

413.1.0 (30 May 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 413-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.3.0-e.9.

407.6.0 (15 May 2023)#

402.10.0 (15 May 2023)#

393.15.0 (15 May 2023)#

380.19.0 (15 May 2023)#

407.5.0 (28 Apr 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 407-e.5.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.5.1.

402.9.0 (28 Apr 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 402-e.9.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.5.1.

393.14.0 (28 Apr 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.14.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.5.1.

380.18.0 (28 Apr 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.18.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.5.1.

413.0.0 (26 Apr 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 413-e.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.5.1.

402.8.0 (14 Apr 2023)#

393.13.0 (14 Apr 2023)#

380.17.0 (14 Apr 2023)#

407.4.0 (13 Apr 2023)#

411.0.0 (6 Apr 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 411-e.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.3.0-e.5.

407.3.0 (3 Apr 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 407-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.3.0-e.5.

402.7.0 (3 Apr 2023)#

393.12.0 (3 Apr 2023)#

380.16.0 (3 Apr 2023)#

410.0.0 (15 Mar 2023)#

407.2.0 (15 Mar 2023)#

402.6.0 (15 Mar 2023)#

393.11.0 (15 Mar 2023)#

380.15.0 (15 Mar 2023)#

407.1.0 (28 Feb 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 407-e.1.

  • Add support for Kubernetes version 1.25, remove support for deprecated versions 1.20 and 1.21.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.2.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.3.0-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.4.2.

402.5.0 (21 Feb 2023)#

393.10.0 (21 Feb 2023)#

380.14.0 (21 Feb 2023)#

370.18.0 (21 Feb 2023)#

402.4.0 (14 Feb 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 402-e.4.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.2.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.48.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.4.2.

393.9.0 (14 Feb 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.9.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.2.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.48.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.4.2.

380.13.0 (14 Feb 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.13.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.2.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.48.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.4.2.

370.17.0 (14 Feb 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.17.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.2.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.48.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.4.2.

406.0.0 (1 Feb 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 406-e.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.5.

402.3.0 (20 Jan 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 402-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.5.

393.8.0 (20 Jan 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.8.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.5.

380.12.0 (20 Jan 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.12.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.5.

370.16.0 (20 Jan 2023)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.16.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.3-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.5.

405.0.0 (3 Jan 2023)#

403.1.0 (23 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 403-e.

  • Update JDK version in Docker images to 17.0.5.

  • Add support for Kubernetes version 1.24, remove support for deprecated version 1.19.

402.2.0 (8 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 402-e.2.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.22.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.44.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.7.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.3.

393.7.0 (8 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.7.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.22.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.44.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.7.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.3.

380.11.0 (8 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.11.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.22.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.44.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.7.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.3.

370.15.0 (8 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.15.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.22.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.44.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.7.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.3.

402.1.0 (1 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 402-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.21.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.2.

  • Enable Ranger admin to be served HTTPS traffic.

  • Extend list of input parameters for the config_ranger.py script.

393.6.0 (1 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.6.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.21.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.2.

  • Enable Ranger admin to be served HTTPS traffic.

  • Extend list of input parameters for the config_ranger.py script.

380.10.0 (1 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.10.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.21.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.2.

  • Enable Ranger admin to be served HTTPS traffic.

  • Extend list of input parameters for the config_ranger.py script.

370.14.0 (1 Dec 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.14.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.21.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.2.

  • Enable Ranger admin to be served HTTPS traffic.

  • Extend list of input parameters for the config_ranger.py script.

402.0.0 (17 Nov 2022)#

393.5.0 (17 Nov 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.5.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.43.

380.9.0 (17 Nov 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.9.

  • Update Starburst Ranger 2.1.0-e.43.

370.13.0 (17 Nov 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.13.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.43.

364.18.0 (17 Nov 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 364-e.18.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.43.

401.0.0 (3 Nov 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 401-e.

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.43.

393.4.0 (27 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.4.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.18.

380.8.0 (27 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.8.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.18.

370.12.0 (27 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.12.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.18.

364.17.0 (27 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 364-e.17.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.18.

399.0.0 (17 Oct 2022)#

393.3.0 (6 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.17.

380.7.0 (6 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.7.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.17.

370.11.0 (6 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.11.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.17.

364.15.0 (6 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 364-e.15.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.17.

398.0.0 (4 Oct 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 398-e.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.17.

397.0.0 (29 Sep 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 397-e.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.3.0.

396.0.0 (26 Sep 2022)#

393.2.0 (26 Sep 2022)#

380.6.0 (26 Sep 2022)#

370.10.0 (26 Sep 2022)#

364.14.0 (26 Sep 2022)#

395.0.0 (22 Sep 2022)#

394.0.0 (12 Sep 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 394-e.

  • Update Starburst Init Container to 1.2.0.

380.5.0 (9 Sep 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.5.

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.41.

  • Upgrade Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.16.

  • Update SEP Init Container to 1.2.0.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.6.

370.9.0 (9 Sep 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.9.

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.41.

  • Upgrade Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.16.

  • Update SEP Init Container to 1.2.0.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.6.

364.13.0 (9 Sep 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 364-e.13.

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.41.

  • Upgrade Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.16.

  • Update SEP Init Container to 1.2.0.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.6.

393.1.0 (31 Aug 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 393-e.1.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.12-e.16.

  • Update KEDA Trino Scaler to 0.1.6.

  • Update SEP Init Container to 1.1.0.

  • Update Starburst Ranger Admin and UserSync to 2.1.0-e.41.

  • Add securityContext at container level for SEP coordinator and worker.

  • Add IMDSv2 support for EC2 instance metadata.

392.0.0 (8 Aug 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 392-e.

  • Add support for SQL Server as backend database for the Hive Metastore Service.

380.3.0 (1 Aug 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.3.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.15.

370.7.0 (1 Aug 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.7.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.15.

364.11.0 (1 Aug 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 364-e.11.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.15.

360.15.0 (1 Aug 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 360-e.15.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.15.

391.0.0 (26 Jul 2022)#

390.0.0 (21 Jul 2022)#

389.0.0 (13 Jul 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 389-e.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.13

388.0.0 (7 Jul 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 388-e.

  • Add hiveMetastoreStorageAuthorization option to Hive.

380.2.0 (1 Jul 2022)#

370.6.0 (1 Jul 2022)#

364.10.0 (1 Jul 2022)#

360.14.0 (1 Jul 2022)#

387.0.0 (30 Jun 2022)#

386.0.0 (21 Jun 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 386-e

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.12

385.0.0 (14 Jun 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 385-e

  • Remove deprecated property discovery-server.enabled

380.1.1 (8 Jun 2022)#

370.5.0 (8 Jun 2022)#

364.9.0 (8 Jun 2022)#

382.0.0 (1 Jun 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 382-e

  • Add support for deployment with Kubernetes 1.22 and 1.23

  • Remove support for deployment with Kubernetes 1.18

381.0.0 (24 May 2022)#

380.0.0 (23 May 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 380-e.0

  • Upgrade to Ranger 2.1.0-e.39

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.11

370.4.0 (20 May 2022)#

364.8.0 (20 May 2022)#

360.12.0 (20 May 2022)#

356.15.0 (20 May 2022)#

379.0.0 (4 May 2022)#

378.0.0 (2 May 2022)#

377.0.0 (25 Apr 2022)#

376.0.0 (25 Apr 2022)#

370.3.0 (25 Apr 2022)#

364.7.0 (25 Apr 2022)#

360.11.0 (25 Apr 2022)#

356.14.0 (25 Apr 2022)#

375.0.0 (5 Apr 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 375-e.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.9.

374.0.0 (29 Mar 2022)#

370.2.0 (18 Mar 2022)#

364.6.0 (18 Mar 2022)#

360.10.0 (18 Mar 2022)#

356.13.0 (18 Mar 2022)#

373.0.0 (17 Mar 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 373-e.

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.37.

372.0.0 (11 Mar 2022)#

370.1.0 (23 Feb 2022)#

364.5.0 (23 Feb 2022)#

360.9.0 (23 Feb 2022)#

356.12.0 (23 Feb 2022)#

371.0.0 (22 Feb 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 371-e.

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.35.

370.0.1 (17 Feb 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 370-e.0.

  • Update Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e.7.

  • Update Ranger to 2.1.0-e.33.

369.0.0 (1 Feb 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 369-e.

  • Upgrade Starburst Hive to 3.1.2-e5.

  • Remove usage of deprecated query.max-total-memory-per-node property.

368.0.0 (18 Jan 2022)#

  • Update to SEP 368-e

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.27 includes log4j update to 2.17.1.

  • Add new cpu: parameter for coordinator and worker to set CPU limit and requests in the SEP chart.

  • Add resource requests and limits for all containers in SEP chart, including init containers.

  • Increase log verbosity for the SEP init container. Logs now details how memory parameters are calculated and lists all changed/set parameters.

  • Disable the usage metrics sidecar container by default, however the REST API endpoint for usage metrics is still enabled by default.

  • Increase startup probe timeout by 100 seconds for SEP chart.

367.0.0 (29 Dec 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 367-e

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.26

  • Update HMS container image to use Log4j version 2.17.1

364.4.0 (17 Dec 2021)#

360.8.0 (17 Dec 2021)#

356.11.0 (17 Dec 2021)#

350.18.0 (17 Dec 2021)#

365.0.2 (14 Dec 2021)#

  • Update Ranger Admin and UserSync container images to fix CVE-2021-44228

365.0.1 (13 Dec 2021)#

365.0.0 (10 Dec 2021)#

364.3.0 (26 Nov 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 364-e.3

  • Upgrade Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.18

364.2.0 (16 Nov 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 364-e.2

  • Support for Automated Ingress Service on GKE

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.17

  • Add support for extra init and sidecar containers to SEP chart

  • Revert default for query.max-memory to default 1PB in SEP chart

  • Add configurable timeouts for startup probes to Ranger chart

  • Upgrade Prometheus JMX Exporter to 0.16.1

  • Add missing authentication types to fix validation in SEP init container

360.7.0 (24 Nov 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 360-e.7

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.18

  • Support for Automated Ingress Service on GKE

  • Add support for extra init and sidecar containers to SEP chart

  • Revert default for query.max-memory to default 1PB in SEP chart

  • Add configurable timeouts for startup probes to Ranger chart

  • Upgrade Prometheus JMX Exporter to 0.16.1

  • Add missing authentication types to fix validation in SEP init container

356.10.0 (19 Nov 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 356-e.10

  • Support for Automated Ingress Service on GKE

  • Update Starburst Ranger to 2.1.0-e.17

  • Add support for extra init and sidecar containers to SEP chart

  • Revert default for query.max-memory to default 1PB in SEP chart

  • Add configurable timeouts for startup probes to Ranger chart

  • Upgrade Prometheus JMX Exporter to 0.16.1

  • Add missing authentication types to fix validation in SEP init container

350.17.0 (19 Nov 2021)#

360.6.0 (13 Oct 2021)#

356.9.0 (13 Oct 2021)#

350.16.0 (13 Oct 2021)#

345.16.0 (13 Oct 2021)#

363.0.0 (11 Oct 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 363-e

  • Migrate the SEP container image from Centos7 to ubi-minimal

  • Update the SEP container image JDK version from 11.0.12+7-LTS to 11.0.13+8-LTS

  • Update to Ranger 2.1.0-e.12, first version using Java 11

356.8.0 (30 Sep 2021)#

350.15.0 (30 Sep 2021)#

345.15.0 (30 Sep 2021)#

360.5.0 (22 Sep 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 360-e.5

  • Remove the outdated PostgreSQL JDBC driver from Hive image.

361.0.0 (15 Sep 2021)#

360.3.0 (7 Sep 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 360-e.3

  • Further improvements to the Starburst Cache Service Helm chart

  • Fix bug with wrong default value assigned to query.max-memory

  • Add support for the internal TLS communication feature added in SEP 360-e

  • Hide sensitive data from Deployment objects in Starburst Hive and Starburst Ranger Helm charts

356.7.0 (7 Sep 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 356-e.7

  • Fix bug with wrong default value assigned to query.max-memory

350.14.0 (7 Sep 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 350-e.14

  • Fix bug with wrong default value assigned to query.max-memory

345.14.0 (7 Sep 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 345-e.14

  • Fix bug with wrong default value assigned to query.max-memory

356.6.0 (18 Aug 2021)#

350.12.0 (18 Aug 2021)#

345.13.0 (18 Aug 2021)#

360.2.0 (16 Aug 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 360-e.2

  • Add Helm charts for the Starburst Cache Service

  • Add support for service account for pods

  • Add support for custom startup script initFile in Starburst Ranger chart

  • Add a common memory parameter setting memory limit and request in SEP chart

  • Add support for security context in HMS chart

  • Replace Ingress expose type in HMS chart by LoadBalancer type

359.0.0 (8 Jul 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 359-e

  • Update jvm.config default to include -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow

  • Upgrade to Ranger 2.1.0

  • Migrate Ranger Admin and UserSync Docker images to run as non-root user

  • Fix wait-for URL in Ranger UserSync

  • Logging fix for Ranger

356.5.0 (23 June 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 356-e.5

  • Update jvm.config default to include -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow

  • Add option to expose HTTPS port in services

  • Allow setting target port for services

350.11.0 (23 Jun 2021)#

350.10.0 (14 Jun 2021)#

345.12.0 (14 Jun 2021)#

338.8.0 (14 Jun 2021)#

356.3.0 (11 Jun 2021)#

358.0.0 (8 Jun 2021)#

357.0.0 (28 May 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 357-e

  • Use headless coordinator service for discovery

356.1.0 (14 May 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 356-e.1

  • Cache service chart added

  • Add support for Kubernetes versions 1.19 and 1.20, remove support for deprecated versions 1.16 and 1.17

  • Add support for ARM (Graviton) processor architecture

  • Add support for specifying the Hive metastore warehouse directory

356.0.0 (10 May 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 356-e.0

  • Add HIVE_METASTORE_WAREHOUSE_DIR support in the starburst-hive chart

  • Switch SEP init and Hive base docker images to use Alpine Linux

  • Change SEP init container to run workload as non-root user

355.0.0 (12 Apr 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 355-e

  • Extra labels support for NodePort services

  • Add optional custom labels to k8s resources

  • Recreate pods on chart values change

  • Update userDatabase parameter to be false by default

354.0.0 (25 Mar 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 354-e

  • Branding update to Starburst Enterprise affects configuration parameters, filenames, and more. This breaking change requires new cluster installation.

Starburst Enterprise and PrestoSQL-based releases#

345.11.0 (14 May 2021)#

338.7.0 (14 May 2021)#

350.8.0 (14 May 2021)#

350.7.0 (8 Apr 2021)#

345.10.0 (8 Apr 2021)#

338.6.0 (8 Apr 2021)#

350.6.0 (19 Mar 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 350-e.6

  • Add -XX:PerMethodRecompilationCutoff and -XX:PerBytecodeRecompilationCutoff as JVM safety configuration for SEP

345.9.0 (19 Mar 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 345-e.9

  • Add -XX:PerMethodRecompilationCutoff and -XX:PerBytecodeRecompilationCutoff as JVM safety configuration for SEP

350.5.0 (12 Mar 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 350-e.5

  • Fix bug with copying license in SEP init container

  • Fix bug with rendering commented out secretRefs

  • Build Helm operator with the latest Operator SDK 1.4.2

  • Add support for Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to Helm operator

345.8.0 (12 Mar 2021)#

350.3.0 (26 Feb 2021)#

345.6.0 (18 Feb 2021)#

350.1.2 (10 Feb 2021)#

  • Change the autoscaling API to v1

  • Enable Helm upgrade

350.1.1 (3 Feb 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 350-e

  • Add start up script support to the HMS chart

  • worker.replicas replaces worker.count in SEP values.yaml, backward compatible change where worker.count takes precedence over worker.replicas if both defined

  • Fix bug with incorrectly converted annotations for Ingress resources

345.4.0 (21 Jan 2021)#

  • Update to SEP 345-e.4

  • Add start up script support to the HMS chart

  • Add support for additional volumes in Ranger chart

348.0.0 (18 Dec 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 348-e

  • Add env and envFrom properties to HMS and Ranger charts

  • Fix Helm warning for SEP and Ranger charts when securityContext is used

  • Add support for k8s secrets for authentication to the Docker registry in all charts with the imagePullSecrets configuration

338.5.0 (10 Dec 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 338-e.5

345.3.0 (10 Dec 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 345-e.3

  • Change default catalogs directory location to /usr/lib/presto/etc/catalog

  • Upgrade Ranger to version 2.0.45

347.0.1 (04 Dec 2020)#

Add custom pod and deployment annotations for SEP, HMS and Ranger charts

347.0.0 (30 Nov 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 347-e

346.0.1 (26 Nov 2020)#

  • Support slashes in secret prefix

346.0.0 (16 Nov 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 346-e

338.4.0 (16 Nov 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 338-e.4

345.2.0 (16 Nov 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 345-e.2

  • Fix bug with overriding env variables in the SEP charts when the key name matches

345.1.0 (12 Nov 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 345-e.1

  • Support graceful shutdown for workers

  • Change the launcher script used by the SEP initFile to be /usr/lib/presto/bin/run-presto

  • Fix SEP charts permission issue with OpenShift clusters

  • Support for pod priority in SEP

  • Fix secretRef usage in envFrom when externalSecret is enabled

  • Add ability to configure securityContext for SEP pods

  • Add ability to configure securityContext and serviceAccount for Ranger pods

  • Add support for additionalVolumes in HMS chart

  • Fix enabling usersync in Ranger charts

344.0.2 (29 Oct 2020)#

  • Add support for Secret reference in catalog configuration

  • Support for TLS for Ranger database access

  • Fix HMS charts permission issue with OpenShift clusters

  • Add additional env variable section for HMS internal database

338.3.0 (16 Oct 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 338-e.3

344.0.1 (16 Oct 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 344-e

343.0.2 (16 Oct 2020)#

  • Remove incorrect default values for SEP’s log.properties file

  • Fix GCS credential key to be a secret in HMS

  • Fix classpath issue with GCS access in HMS

  • Add automatic External Secret mounting capability

  • Remove unused presto-admin service account

343.0.1 (30 Sep 2020)#

  • Upgrade Ranger to 2.0.34

343.0.0 (29 Sep 2020)#

  • Update to SEP 343-e

338.2.1 (29 Sep 2020)#

  • Add subpath support for SEP additionalVolumes

  • Change SEP initFile parameter to inline string in values.yaml

  • Allow creating custom files in SEP’s etc folder

  • Remove SEP option in values.yaml for query.maxMemoryForCluster

  • Fix bug in Hive metastore with querying Azure datasources

  • Add option in Hive metastore to allow service principal based auth in ADLS gen2

328.2.0 (22 Sep 2020)#

  • Numerous breaking changes for values.yaml configuration and default values

  • Add LDAP authentications support

  • Added k8s secrets support for binary files

  • Add init container usage

  • Add Prometheus by default

  • Cleaner configuration for jvm.config, log.properties, node.properties and config.properties

  • Remove Ranger configuration in starburst-presto

  • Renamed additionalCatalogs to catalogs

  • Update to SEP 338-e.2

338.0.0 (10 Sep 2020)#

  • Initial public release of charts for SEP 338