Operation guide#

After satisfying the initial requirements for the control node and all the managed nodes in the cluster, you can get a cluster up and running with the help of the installation guide.

A fully configured deployment requires a bit more configuration and work. It is typically performed incrementally and you use Starburst Admin to help you for a number of scenarios. They range from simple tasks like changing a configuration in a catalog file to more complex ones such as adding a new catalog file, scaling the cluster up or down, or adding security configuration.

The following sections includes these and many other scenarios and refers to the playbook reference and other sections as necessary.

Targeting specific hosts#

By default, Ansible runs the tasks defined in the playbooks on all cluster nodes defined in the inventory hosts file.

You can target specific host groups or even specific hosts with the -l option. The example hosts files uses the groups coordinator and worker to target the groups. Individual hosts are targeted with the IP address.

Example: Roll out configuration changes to workers only

  • Update the relevant configuration files in files/worker, for example changed JVM configuration.

  • Push the configuration only to the workers

    ansible-playbook -l worker playbooks/push-configs.yml
  • Restart only the workers

    ansible-playbook -l worker playbooks/restart.yml

Example: Update security configuration on the coordinator

  • Update the relevant configuration files in files/coordinator, for example updated certificate files.

  • Push the configuration only to the coordinator

    ansible-playbook -l coordinator playbooks/push-configs.yml
  • Restart only the coordinator

    ansible-playbook -l coordinator playbooks/restart.yml

Example: Restart or remove a misbehaving worker only

  • Determine the worker that has problem, for example from collecting the logs or checking the service status

  • Attempt a restart of the one worker that seems to have problems

    ansible-playbook -l playbooks/restart.yml
  • Check status after restart

    ansible-playbook -l playbooks/check-status.yml
  • Check the logs after restart

    ansible-playbook -l playbooks/collect-logs.yml

Adding, removing and updating catalogs#

You can add a new catalog, update an existing catalog or even remove a catalog and roll that change out across the cluster with the following steps:

A full cluster restart of the coordinator and all workers is necessary to apply the updated configuration.

Changing other configuration#

  • Perform the desired changes in the files subdirectories and files.

  • Stop the cluster or selectively the coordinator or all workers.

  • Push the configuration.

  • {ref}Start the cluster ` or selectively the coordinator or all workers..

The safest option is to restart the complete cluster. Depending on the configuration changes it can be possible to just restart all the workers or the coordinator only. For example, for authentication configuration to SEP a coordinator restart can be sufficient.

Upgrading Starburst Enterprise#

Upgrading SEP using Ansible is similar to initial installation. The process has to be performed without any users running queries.

Use the following steps to perform the update:

ansible-playbook playbooks/stop.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/push-configs.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/start.yml

To rollback the upgrade, revert any configuration changes, change the value of version to the previous one, and execute the same playbooks above.

Note that because all nodes in the cluster must use the same version, it is not possible to perform a rolling restart and avoid interruptions. To minimize down time, we recommend installing the new version on a set of new hosts, and reconfigure clients to connect to this cluster or update DNS entries to point to it. Old cluster can be decommissioned after all queries running on it are done.

To manage separate installations on more than one sets of hosts, copy the hosts file and update values inside it. Then, to use the new file, add the -i <new-hosts> parameter when running the ansible-playbook command.

Blue/Green deployments and upgrades#

With sufficient resources, you can significantly improve your upgrade process by managing two production clusters behind a load balancer (LB) with a defined fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The upgrade process can then follow a blue-green deployment process:

  1. The current production cluster in use is blue, and the LB uses the FQDN to point users to it.

  2. Update the configuration and resources for the inactive green cluster to the new version and configuration.

  3. Install and push the configuration, then start the green cluster.

  4. Test the green cluster with the direct IP address or an alternative FQDN configured on the LB.

  5. Switch the LB configuration to point the green cluster.

  6. Shut down the blue cluster.

For the next upgrade, the process is identical, but the roles of the two clusters are reversed.

The inactive cluster can be kept running for failover and high availability usage, or decommissioned and recreated again for future upgrades.

Adding or removing workers#

You can use Starburst Admin to help with scaling your cluster up and down by adding or removing workers with the following steps.

Scaling up

  • Provision the new machine with necessary requirements for cluster nodes.

  • Add the IP address and access details to the worker section in the hosts file.

  • Install on the new node

  • Push configuration to the new node

  • Start the new node

  • Check the log of the new node

For example, if you add the new host at as worker you can run the installation just to this node:

[coordinator] ansible_user=root ansible_password=changeme

[worker] ansible_user=root ansible_password=changeme ansible_user=root ansible_password=changeme ansible_user=root ansible_password=changeme

Playbook invocations:

ansible-playbook -l playbooks/install.yml
ansible-playbook -l playbooks/push-configs.yml
ansible-playbook -l playbooks/start.yml

Specifying the host is optional and can be omitted since the playbooks can run without side effects if the desired state is already reached. As a result you can add a number of workers and then just install, push configuration and start them all together.

Scaling down

  • Stop the worker or perform a graceful shutdown.

    # Hard stop
    ansible-playbook -l playbooks/stop.yml
    # Graceful shutdown
    ansible-playbook -l playbooks/graceful-shutdown.yml
  • Optionally run uninstall for the specific worker only

    ansible-playbook -l playbooks/uninstall.yml
  • Remove the worker from hosts

Configuring TLS#

You can configure TLS for the coordinator as well as cluster internal authentication and TLS as usual.

For the functionality of the playbooks you need to additionally update the ports configured in vars.yml so that they can continue to interoperate with the nodes for status checks and other aspects.

Using 8443 on the coordinator and workers:

coordinator_port: 8443
worker_port: 8443

Using secrets#

You can use secrets in environment variables to avoid clear text password and other sensitive data in the configuration files.

To inject a secret value into an environment variable, you can modify the env.sh shell scripts in files/worker and files/coordinator. The script is executed before SEP is started. For example, you can insert code to retrieve secret values from a secret manager such as Hashicorp Vault, Keywhiz, or a secret manager from your cloud provider.