Release 467-e STS (15 January 2025)#

Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) 467-e is the follow up SEP release to 464-e. It includes all improvements from the following Trino releases:

This release is a short term support (STS) release.

Breaking changes#

  • The following legacy protocol.v1.* configuration properties have been removed:

    • protocol.v1.prepared-statement-compression.length-threshold

    • protocol.v1.prepared-statement-compression.min-gain

    • protocol.v1.alternate-header-name.

    These properties must be removed from your cluster configuration and any legacy clients reliant on the protocol.v1.alternate-header-name client protocol header must be updated.

  • Password-based authentication in the Cassandra connector now requires the catalog configuration property along with credentials configured in the cassandra.username and cassandra.password properties.

  • In the Iceberg connector, the schema and table arguments have been removed from the table_changes table function in favor of schema_name and table_named, respectively.

  • The configuration property has been removed. For Unity catalogs, use the configuration property instead.

  • To enable user impersonation with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), both the hive.hdfs.impersonation.enabled and fs.hadoop.enabled properties must be set to true. If you have hive.hdfs.impersonation.enabled set to true but fs.hadoop.enabled is not set to true, you must update your configuration or the cluster fails to start.

  • The Hive connector no longer allows materialized views and HMS/HDFS impersonation to be enabled simultaneously on the same catalog. You can temporarily disable enforcement of this change by turning off SEP config validation.

  • In order to enable credential passthrough for a non-native filesystem with Microsoft Entra ID, you must now set the and fs.hadoop.enabled properties to true. If you have set to true but fs.hadoop.enabled is not set to true, you must update your configuration or the cluster fails to start.

  • The schema-discovery.starburst-jdbc-url, schema-discovery.starburst-user, and schema-discovery.starburst-password catalog configuration properties have been removed. You must remove these properties from your configuration or the cluster fails to start.

  • The and properties have been removed from the Hive and Delta Lake connectors, respectively. You must follow the migration guide to continue to use the Apache Ranger integration.


  • Added support for editing a schema name when creating a data product.

  • Added support for dynamically modifying cluster log levels to the Starburst Enterprise web UI.

  • Fixed a bug that caused querying issues in the query editor when results cache is enabled.

  • Fixed an issue that caused button height to fluctuate in dialogs during actions in progress.


  • Fixed startup failure for Ranger 2.5.0 on Oracle database.

Cassandra connector#

  • Restored missing plugin that contains SEP enhanced features.

Delta Lake connector#

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect results for queries containing partition predicates with checkpoints that use NAME column mapping.

Hive connector#

  • Fixed an issue where DROP SCHEMA with the CASCADE option failed to remove the corresponding entry in the materialized_view_definitions table from the cache service database. DROP SCHEMA CASCADE now automatically drops materialized views within the schema without manual intervention.

PostgreSQL connector#

Starburst Stargate connector#