Starburst Galaxy

  •  Get started

  •  Working with data

  •  Data engineering

  •  Developer tools

  •  Cluster administration

  •  Security and compliance

  •  Troubleshooting

  • Galaxy status

  •  Reference

  • Help center #

    Starburst Galaxy provides direct access to Starburst’s support resources through its embedded chat app.

    To interact with the chat app, click the icon that floats in the lower right corner.

      Chat app icon

    The chat app provides links to the following references:


    Browse our helpful documentation, videos, and tutorials to learn more about Starburst Galaxy and find solutions.

    Starburst Academy

    Expand your knowledge of Starburst and its ecosystem through our informative courses.

    Release notes

    We update Starburst Galaxy regularly. Read through our release notes to learn about new features, enhancements to our products, and bug fixes.

    Community forum

    Engage with other users and subject matter experts. Discuss Starburst Galaxy topics that interest you. Get your questions answered.


    Follow the prompts and allow Starburst Galaxy to walk you through the processes of creating an Azure Data Lake Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, or Tabular catalog.

    Chat with technical support

    For personalized assistance directly from Starburst, click Chat with technical support. The app is available 24/7. Use it chat with a support agent and learn more about Starburst Galaxy. The Messages page keeps a log of all your interactions with technical support.

    Starburst Galaxy status

    Check the status of Galaxy systems and operations.