Starburst Galaxy

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  • Manage catalogs #

    You can create, view, and manage catalogs in the View catalogs pane.

    This pane also provides the starting point to access the catalog explorer, which allows you to browse through any catalog’s metadata. Click the name of a catalog to enter the explorer for that catalog.

    List of catalogs #

    The list of catalogs displays the following information about each catalog:

    • Name: The name of the catalog.
    • Status: This column shows the catalog indexing status for roles with the Manage account work privilege. verified means catalog indexing completed without errors. release_alert indicates an indexing error.
    • Kind: The data source type, such as Amazon S3.
    • Description: The description provided for the catalog, if any.
    • Cloud: The cloud service provider.
    • Region: The cloud service provider region.
    • Tags: Any tags assigned to this catalog. Click the plus sign in the Tags column to add or remove tags.
    • The options menu, containing further actions.

    The default sort order is by Name, alphabetically ascending. Click any column heading to sort the list; click the heading again to reverse the sort order. The up or down arrows show ascending or descending sort order.

    Create a catalog #

    To create a new catalog, click Create catalog. The new catalog appears in the list of catalogs.

    Search catalogs #

    Use the search field to narrow the list of catalogs to those that match a search string in the name, kind, or description columns.

    Edit a catalog #

    You can edit a catalog’s configuration details on the Edit catalog pane. To access the editing pane, click the options menu, then Edit configuration. The same editing options are available during the catalog creation process.

    Change owner #

    To change the owner of the catalog to a different role, click the options menu, then Change owner.

    Delete a catalog #

    To delete a catalog, click the options menu, then Delete catalog.

    Add a catalog to a cluster #

    Once you have configured a catalog, add it to a cluster to query the data source. You have the option to add a catalog to a cluster during the catalog configuration process or later using the Edit cluster option.